
Monday, February 18, 2019

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Essay -- Visual Arts Paintings Art

Henri de Toulouse-LautrecHenri de Toulouse-Lautrec was arguably the greatest graphic artist ofhis time he is best remembered for his bold, colourful posters ofParisian entertainers. His childhood years were spent at his familyc palpebraeau in the southwest of France where he broke both of his legs andtherefore scraggy his growth. This left him ill proporti peerlessd anddwarfish. This unfortunate event probably helped his artistic world poweras he spent most(prenominal) of his time on his own.Lautrec was at his peak as a painter and poster artist in the early1890s at the time of the post impressionists.During his life Lautrec felt most comfortable in the nightclubs, dancehalls and brothels of Paris. The narrow life he lead is clearly shownin the art that he produced. Lautrec was best renowned for his flicks of the Moulin blushing mushroom and other Parisian entertainers. Lautrecwas not the first artist to make the Parisian entertainers serioussubjects to paint, Edouard Manet and Edgar Degaswere among the firstto paint the Paris nightlife and others soon followed their lead wantLautrec.Although Lautrecs many paintings looked spontaneous and carefree heas never bolt as in he was never messy or careless. He was infact a use craftsman who knew a bevy about the technical mattersof his work, especially printmaking. Even after a jittery night he wouldbe up to supervise the printing of his lithographs quick and early.Lautrec always carried a small draftbook with him so he could quickdraw or sketch whatever caught his attention and today thousands ofhis speedy drawings still survive in the original sketchbooks. He hasalso reached the empyrean position of a dead artist where there is amuseum dedicated to him and his work in Albi, France close to where hewas born near Toulouse. In the actual paintings of his sketches hetried to keep the spontaneity of the first sketch and therefore wantto work quickly. To work fast he liked to use paint that was thinnedconsi derably with turpentine, which was called peinture a lessence,which allowed him to so called draw with the brush. He also liked touse absorbent cardboard instead of tap so the paint would dryquicker and therefore could maintain his momentum. some painters have a trademark technique and Lautrecs trademark wasthe printmaking technique called crachis or ... ...reas before thisaddition the painting must have been a restrain and balancedmasterpiece. The unidentified redhead sitting at the table is erosionan exotic headdress that stands out magnificently against her redhair. If you look at each person they each have a distinctive hat orhairstyle as Lautrec was fascinated by different styles of headwear.The mirrored footing that lines the walls gives the painting anundefined background so the silhouetted figures stand out boldly inthe mirror. I liked this painting because it shows the somewhat quietof the unremarkably busy Moulin Rouge. The way Lautrec contrasted thebrightly painted woman and the redhead at the forefront of thepainting with the blacks and browns of the background also attractedme. I also admire the way Lautrec maintained the spontaneity allthrough his work.My favourite painting of the two that I have talked about is At theMoulin Rouge because I think that this one looks more difficult topaint than At the Circus Fernando as it is in great detail andmost importantly I think it looks better. But trade nothing away fromAt the Circus Fernando as this is also a smart as a whip piece of art.

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