
Thursday, February 14, 2019

greek and roman art history Essay -- essays research papers

Greek conglomerate (600 B.C 1 A.D)Doric Order- entasis- swelling of the columns-always used for largest temples-alternating triglyphs and metopesIonic Order scrolls-shafts ar thinner- no triglyphs in friezeCorinthian Order large temples-no triglyphs, incisively metopes.Archaic Period 600-500 B.C-stiff and rigid pose-focused on anatomy-archaic smile-Kouros, Kore male and female archaic sculptures. clean Period-depict distinct motion (Apollo belvedere) 350 B.C roman copy-idealism, nidus on strength of Greece as a whole.Venus D milo maize papist Goddess of love 100 B.CLocated in the Louvregenus Athene Nike (Victory) 100 B.CDepicted w/ wingsNot marble stand in front of ship going into battleAlso at the LouvreHellenistic Period-Figure 3.5 Dying Gaul Roman copy 220 B.C-Greeks respected the enemy, showed them dying in dignity.-Figure 3.17 Vatican, Laocoon (priest of Troy). Early rootage century, marble.-Priest of Troy being punished by the Gods for warning against judge horse f rom the Greeks. Sea serpents attacked him and his sons. Beautiful anatomy.Bronze Bronzes are made by making two molds (one larger than the other), pouring melted bronze in...

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