
Friday, February 15, 2019

A Bintel Brief :: essays research papers

The Eastern europiuman Jews had some troubles before immigrating to America. Jews are well known for overcoming hardships that are thrown at them. In A Bintel apprise, they werent exactly overcoming genocide, precisely they were having many hardships that would be tough for anyone including love, missing family members, poverty, and different religious problems. legion(predicate) Jews had nothing but the clothes on their backs when they arrived in America. Few had money to bring on with them, all though some did have money. The majority of the battalion or families that came to America had to start with nothing, and work from the ground up. Some of the flock were workings for a measly two dollars a week. The Eastern European Jews at that time werent working for themselves most of the time. Most of the time they had full families to feed, or they had prior obligations they had to fulfill. Many of the Jewish peoples proceeds were put towards a ship fare, to get their family out of Eastern Europe and into the free America. The majority of the Jews were working in shops all over. Many of the Jews were persecuted. They werent allowed to have certain jobs. One instance in the book a scram wrote in for her son, who desperately wanted to be a chemist. The mformer(a) was outraged, because many people were saying that they wouldnt hire a Jewish chemist. A lot of the immigrated Jews were finding partners that werent of the same religion. The book mentions infidel and Jewish kins a countless number of times. Many of the submitters found their relationship with a gentile was not working, that they started out in love, but the other is teaching the wrong things to their children. On the other hand, many Jews were becoming freethinkers. The Bintel Brief itself gave an amazing amount of aid in the adjustment for Jews. All people need is hope, and when in that respects hope you can do anything. These people poured their hearts out into their letters, and confided in the Bintel Brief for answers. The Bintel Brief in come would give sound advice, and would give hope that everything would turn out alright. Because there were few Jewish newspapers, they had nothing else to look forward too, or read. Many of them, just coming from Europe, still did not know English. These people could alone read the Yiddish articles.

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